Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, popularly known as Brothers Grimm, are credited with the compilation and publishing of German folklore during the 19th century. In fact, some of the most famous fairy tales that we all know of, are versions of folklore, now known as Grimms’ Fairy Tales. These include Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel to name a handful.
They also had a couple of compiled volumes called ‘Children's and Household Tales’, which were their first collection of folk stories. Over time, these found their way into multicultural children’s books, three of which have been highlighted here.
1. The Elves and The Shoemaker: The famous tale of a poor shoemaker and his wife who don’t have enough leather to make shoes and are secretly helped by elves.
2. The Buskers of Bremen: In earlier German children’s books, the title was ‘The Town Musicians of Bremen’. The tale revolves around a friend circle comprised of a donkey, a cat, a rooster and a dog, who decide to move to the town of Bremen and become musicians!
3. Hansel and Gretel: Originally, also known as ‘Little Brother and Little Sister’, the story is about a house made of candy that lures in two abandoned children who are then held hostage by a cannibal witch!
So, if your children love to explore the fantasy world of fairy tales, you must get them these precious gems to let their imagination take flight.
They also had a couple of compiled volumes called ‘Children's and Household Tales’, which were their first collection of folk stories. Over time, these found their way into multicultural children’s books, three of which have been highlighted here.
1. The Elves and The Shoemaker: The famous tale of a poor shoemaker and his wife who don’t have enough leather to make shoes and are secretly helped by elves.
2. The Buskers of Bremen: In earlier German children’s books, the title was ‘The Town Musicians of Bremen’. The tale revolves around a friend circle comprised of a donkey, a cat, a rooster and a dog, who decide to move to the town of Bremen and become musicians!
3. Hansel and Gretel: Originally, also known as ‘Little Brother and Little Sister’, the story is about a house made of candy that lures in two abandoned children who are then held hostage by a cannibal witch!
So, if your children love to explore the fantasy world of fairy tales, you must get them these precious gems to let their imagination take flight.
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