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Showing posts from March, 2019

Amalgamating Language with Culture - 3 Russian Audio Book Collections

As they say, “Experience is the best teacher”. Childhood is a time when children love to explore new languages and cultures. Imbibing multi-cultural values by making use of technology is a great way to get started. An encounter with diversity takes place when children start learning Russian through audio books . They provide a leeway for children to understand the language which go along with the pronunciations and illustrations which speeds up their learning process. Books which children read should have an element of vibrant depictions of people. Ideally, books should have a collection of stories which can be centered around- 1) Folktales - Imagination helps children better understand the idea and the theme of a story. When they have to learn a foreign language like Russian, reading through the folktales gives them an idea of the way people interact and understand the intent behind different words. As most of them have a social message and offer a key takeaway for expected moral be...