Whether it is your preschool or kindergarten child (3-5 years old), you need to begin their language learning with simple and easy to understand reading material. The best books for kindergarten children are those that make complicated things rather easy. As it may be their first experience of any learning, it is important that you don't go overboard with your attempt, by giving them too much and too tough to swallow. They are first-time or novice readers and so they should be treated. Whether they are starting with a foreign language or English as a second language, you should go easy. More pictures and with less text is the best possible way to make things interesting. Bilingual books that contain text in English and the foreign language that you want your child to learn provide a simple yet effective way of beginning your child's learning process. At this early age, it is all about evoking interest in your child. These bilingual books feature stories with images that are s...